Transport and logistics businesses rely on vehicles as a central part of operations, fuel is therefore a huge expense that needs to be managed carefully. Using fuel cards to make savings on fuel prices and limiting the amount of admin needed can make a significant difference to the running of this type of organisation.

Transport and Logistics Sector
The Transport and Logistics sector is vast in terms of the different companies that fall into this category, including; small local delivery companies, minibus services, car rental and larger logistics businesses. Each type of logistics company has different requirements in terms of their fuel needs, this dictates the type of fuel card that would be best suited to the company. Find out more about the types of fuel card.
Vehicles and Routes
The vehicles within the fleet and the routes they take will help to determine the fuel card that is best suited for that organisation. Transport and Logistics companies that spend a lot of time within towns would benefit from fuelGenie fuel cards as they could save over 3p per litre* by consistently directing drivers to supermarket petrol stations. Take a look at the petrol station finder to see if fuelGenie would be a good fit for the routes that your drivers take. There are over 1,370 Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s forecourts across the UK where drivers can use fuelGenie fuel cards, so there is likely to be one nearby.
Managing Spend
Fuel is a large expenditure in this sector and having an easy way to manage and monitor fuel spend is invaluable. Fuel cards allow businesses to easily keep track of the amount spent on fuel by each vehicle and or fuel card. Having all of this information available allows fleet managers to review fuel spend and make changes in order to lower business fuel costs. fuelGenie has an online Manage My Account system which allows businesses to access this level of information at any time. Fleet managers can also access HRMC approved invoices allowing them to reclaim VAT easily without any additional paperwork or calculations.
fuelGenie fuel card benefits
Transport and logistics businesses can benefit from fuelGenie fuel cards by saving up to 3p per litre, having the ability to access spend data online and easy VAT reclaim. Find our full list of benefits below:
- Savings of over 3p/litre by consistently directing drivers to low-cost supermarket fuelling stations*
- No fees to pay
- 24/7 online dashboard for easy admin and management
- HMRC-approved invoices for easy VAT reclaim
- Up to 45 days of credit with no minimum spend
- Unlimited number of free fuel cards
If you’re looking for a fuel card for transport or logistics businesses fuelGenie is a great option, with multiple benefits and an easy application process.