We understand it’s important for a business to look at company requirements and assess priorities when choosing a fuel card. Whether you’re a large fleet or a small business. Here we take a look at just some of the important things you should be considering when looking for the best fuel card:
- Driver routes and network needs
- The type/size of your business
- Hidden fees and fuel card costs

Driver routes and network needs
Think about the routes you or your fleet will be using ensures you’ll be a cost-effective business. But the network of petrol stations your business has access to can also factor into the best fuel card for your needs. That’s because certain petrol stations only accept specific providers. This can make your decision easier.
For example, if you’ll be driving near lots of convenient supermarket fuel stations, then the best fuel card for your needs would be a fuelGenie card. Widely accepted at most supermarket forecourts, it can even earn driver’s supermarket rewards points for an extra boost every fill up. A win, win. You can even use our petrol station finder to help inform your decision.
The type and size of your business
Your business size or type can mean you have differing needs and requirements when choosing the best fuel card. For example, a large courier service delivering up and down the UK and a small law firm visiting clients locally. A larger business is often stretched when staying on top of a mountain of admin, whereas smaller businesses are pushed for time and resources.
That’s why a fuel card like fuelGenie could be best for you. It’s flexible, efficient and suitable for all size of business regardless of fuel consumption. And because of our HRMC-approved invoices – we can make VAT reclaim easy – reducing time pressures and boosting operation efficiency. The fuelGenie card also comes with simple to use, free online account management for added admin assistance. Keeping you on top of your fuel card usage, no matter your size or business type.
Hidden fees
Some fuel cards come with hidden fees. These aren’t the best for most businesses as they mean you could be stung for more money on top of your fuel bill. Expensive. Things like an annual membership or network usage fees can really add up – especially with a growing fleet.
The best fuel card with no fees? That’s fuelGenie. You can discover more about our no fees here.