Spring forward and march towards more fuel savings

Mechanic filling tyre with air.

With warmer weather and improved driving conditions, the arrival of spring gives businesses the chance to take a fresh look at their finances – including how fuel-efficient their vehicles and fleets could be.

Here are a few simple and practical tips for making the most of your fuel usage as we move into spring.

Give your vehicles a spring clean

In the same way you might give your home a good spring clean, your fleet could use a spruce this time of year too. To help your vehicles run at their most fuel-efficient, there are some quick and easy checks you can do: 

  1. Check your tyre pressure
    The change in temperature can affect your tyre pressure. If your tyres are under-inflated, they’ll experience greater resistance as they move along the road. This means your vehicle will need to use more fuel to keep your tyres moving. So keep tabs on your tyres and your fuel gauge will thank you.
  2. Check your oil levels
    It’s an easy one to forget – out of sight, out of mind – but checking your oil regularly can make sure your engine’s performing at its best. Low levels or dirty oil can seriously hinder your engine, meaning you’ll need to use more fuel to reach the same level of performance. The easiest thing to do is schedule in a regular checkup to keep your engine running smooth.
  3. Check your air filters
    Another top tip is to check your air filters. If they’re clogged and the airflow is restricted, your engine will compensate by using more fuel. Replace any dirty filters and help your engine breathe easy again.

By checking these 3 simple things – either yourself or at your local garage – you can help your vehicles run at peak fuel efficiency, saving your business money as the year rolls on.

Optimise your routes

The routes your drivers take can have a huge impact on your overall fuel consumption. Your best bet is to utilise technology. It can help your drivers find the most direct routes and avoid sitting in traffic. Here are a few handy tips:

  1. Plan ahead
    The UK’s road system is constantly evolving, with updates and closures happening on a daily basis. What was the most direct route a few months ago might now have changed. Keep up-todate with your most fuel-efficient routes and you can save in the long run.
  2. Combine deliveries
    As well as keeping an eye on the road networks out there, it’s worth looking at your own schedule to see if you can be more efficient. Is it possible to consolidate deliveries so your team can make fewer trips?
  3. Map apps
    Arm your drivers with the best route-planning apps, like Google Maps or Waze. These everyday tools can give your team real-time updates, helping them avoid congestion and last-minute road closures, so they can stay on the most fuel-efficient route.

With some careful planning, a review of your schedule and route optimisation on travel days, you could start saving on fuel this spring.

Encourage new driving habits

You might not have thought about how your team drive your vehicles. There are some simple things they could do to help maximise their fuel efficiency. You might be surprised how much lower your fuel costs could be with just a few small changes from your drivers.

  1. Keep the same speed
    Maintaining your speed when possible, especially on motorways, is one of the easiest ways to improve your miles per gallon. Using cruise control can go a long way to lowering fuel consumption.
  2. Accelerate and brake gently
    Accelerating too quickly and braking too sharply are fast ways to waste fuel. Being more gentle on the pedals when you can helps with efficiency, as well as reducing vehicle wear and tear.
  3. Minimise idling time
    Another thing that burns through fuel is keeping the engine on when you’re not moving. If you think you might be stopping for more than a minute, a good habit is to turn your engine off.

Encouraging your drivers to form a few new habits can significantly increase your fleet’s fuel efficiency. It’s worth a conversation, as your team might even have some ideas of their own.

Take your fuel savings even further

At fuelGenie, we understand that fuel costs can have a big impact on your business.

If you're currently on the free plan, upgrading to fuelGenie+ can unlock even more savings. From tracking your spending, to monitoring your fuel usage, to discounts at fuel stations – you’ll soon learn where you could save.

Spring into action 

Whether it’s giving your fleet a spring clean, helping your team choose the best routes or encouraging new driving habits, there are plenty of ways you can maximise your fuel efficiency this spring – and beyond.


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